Coop83 sucks hairy goat testicles and 69s men whilst being done up the ass by tom fulp and he loves cocks in and arround his mouth because he is a gay nob and fucks innocent 4 year old boys because helikes young cock and loves children just like michael jackson because he is a gay ass faggot noob and likes cocks up his fucking ass because he as we all know is gay (DUH) and you suck ass in all ways possible and of coarse you like hairy testicles bewtween your boobs. and now that i have insulted coop83 i will know randomly insult the public making it onto even more block lists and adding others to my own.
you all are gay and suck fucking hairy dicks and you are all fggts because you all have no lives and like tom fulp who is gay and you 69 lol 69 men all day long and you also like 96ing men because you like rubbing your shitty asses against other peoples asses (if they are men) and you are all gey ass queers and like faggot mags becasue you suck!!!!!!!
their i said it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahaha Review banned!
go suck yer mums dick hgair!